The property is zoned for single family homes and campgrounds. The owner of ‘the Gem’ is 100% within his rights to develop the property with no obligation to contribute to the maintenance of the gates, security, etc. The owner will sell to a developer if the property is not purchased by the Saw Creek Community. When sold, the future owners/users of this property will have full rights to the Saw Creek private roads. Once purchased for development, this land will be gone forever along with Saw Creek's exclusivity.
Studies show that open space increases property values. Purchasing the property will ensure that Saw Creek remains exclusive. The rolling wooded acreage with its southern vista that goes on for miles is arguably one of the most beautiful parcels of open space in Pike County. Once purchased, this parcel can be exclusively enjoyed by residents and guests alike creating opportunities for irreplaceable outdoor recreation like hiking, mountain biking and picnic areas. (Photo to the right was taken from the southern ridge)
If you would like to see the Gem purchased by Saw Creek, contact the administrative office to ask them to take action.
The owner has the right to develop the Gem and has the right of access through the Saw Creek community.
Hit the contact button on the bottom of the page. It will direct you to the Saw Creek webite's contact page. Scroll to the bottom of the page where there are two forms, one for the Board of Directors and the other for the Management Contacts. If you would like to see this wonderful parcel of land in the possession of the Saw Creek Homeowners Association, please fill out the forms and in the "Request" box ask them to investigate a purchase The Gem.
If you would like to see the Gem purchased for all the stated benefits, send an email to the Saw Creek Board of Directors and Management and let them know.